Monday, October 13, 2008

Perfectionism - Good or Bad?

I think this topic can have both a positive side and a negative side. First, I think to people that are a part of 'the arts', being a perfectionist comes natural. We are never happy with our work, and if we are it's only for a short time. We always are striving to do better and make everything, well - PERFECT. The funny thing is is that making your work perfect NEVER comes, does it? In one sense being a perfectionist continually pushes you to do more, and produce better. Who wouldn't want to produce better work?

The flip side to being a perfectionist is that it can severely limit you from where you want to go with your work. If you continually are doubting you can produce that quality, "perfect work", you may never take action! I think we get in a rut of being our own worse critic. And I would say 99% of the things we see wrong in our work no client would ever be able to pick out.

I say just do it! Don't let being a perfectionist limit you to thinking you may never be good enough. A key inspiration and role-model to me, Mike Colon, says jump into whatever you want to do with both feet and THEN figure out how your going to back up that commitment. Those are definitely words to live by.

Use your perfectionism in a positive way to grow you in your work instead of hinder you!
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1 comment:

Mike Colón said...

Very well said Brandon! I'm going to use your words on my blog if you don't mind. It was great hanging with you the other day in SB!