Friday, January 30, 2009

Wedding Reception Venue Hunt

For those who don't know, I am engaged! It's old news and I am so late at blogging about it, I apologize. Time for a short version:

I proposed the week before Christmas in San Francisco at the new Union Square Ice Skating Rink

I swear, I was so beyond nervous. I think most guys can relate to the actual day of having to propose. If you would have asked me any day before 'The Big Day' I would have told you it will be a piece of cake. My nerves were not even getting to me because of having to ask her, but just me psyching myself out that somehow she already knew or would find out before I actually knelt down and popped the question. On top of that I had never been ice skating - talk about nerve-racking! Would I even be able to stand up or make it a foot away from the platform? Long, stressful nights thinking about all the "what if's". Out of everything, my greatest fear of all was opening the little box and seeing no ring inside. Let me just say that my greatest fear came true..

Fourty-five minutes before we even hit the ice rink I was fumbling around with the box in my pocket and thinking of a million and one ways to lead into the big question. During that time is when I must have knocked the ring out of its position, leaving it sitting freely in the box.

As soon as we got on to the ice I did a little small talk, knelt down, popped the question and opened the box -- no ring! I felt my heart skip a beat. Luckily Valerie saw it drop to the ice.

That little hitch wasn't quite as I planned it, but still well worth all the planning and coordinating to get everyone and everything just right. It was amazing to have both of our families there in the city which we love.


Now that I've explained the engagement I can get to tonight. We've been planning and looking for reception venues...
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Pretty simple blog tonight:

What motivates you to do what ever it is you want to do?

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